Friday, March 03, 2006

Renuka's Questions Part #2

Renuka: 1.Any personal buisness stratergy involved in this project?
[ yes/no with explanation ]

Omee: oh yes! strategy is involved for sure! but I dont know if I should call it 'business' .. I will let YOU decide.. cuz any way you want to judge!

You read about the law of nature.. didnt you? "What you sow is what you reap"

I am working to give to the people something that will help them make their personal dreams come true.( They currently might not even know that THIS is what will make their dreams come true!)

And I totally believe that .. this SOWING of dreams and making difference is DEFINTIELY DEINITELY going to reap me super rich rewards as HARVEST. So my personal dreams will automatically come true!

Now if you ask me.. how.. then.. well, I too dont know! and I dont even want to know! (uncertanity hold INFINITE potential and possibilities u see!)

I am sure that it will change my entire life! (In fact it is already changing at surprising pace!)

All said and done... even if I 'sell' the devices for some price.. I will 'sell' it at no-profit no loss basis. and even if some 'profit' is taken from people who are well off (with their conscent ofcourse) ... then this profit will be used to supply these devices to people who may not be able to afford it.

So if u were a venture capitalist and if THIS was my 'business strategy' I am sure you would have stayed as away from me as possible! :P

My gf married some one else just because I am much more interested in helping others than helping myself! She did not believe in that law of nature and probably ran out of patience!

Renuka: 2.Is ideas,software code(infact everything) going to be kept open &
anybody can access at any point of time[ like gnu opesource license]?

Omee: Its open to all .. already! I guess half of the world might have the code already! and if any one wants.. feel free to ask for it! I dont know much about GNU license.. one of my friends said its good to do it.. so well believing in him I can say.. cool .. lets get it!

Any way I dont think any sane commercial company will spend time,and resouces trying to first make and then sell something which is freely available. ... and any way.. a newer different electronic circuit can any time be designed at dirt cheap price!

If for example any company even decides to make these devices and market them better than what we can, then .. boy Hats off to that company! I would willingly HELP them make profit for themselves! Our world definitely needs such efficient companies! And they would be doing a great cause any ways! well.. and I can move on to the next challenge! (There are so many areas where this creativity and talent can be of use!)

Renuka: 3.What personal benefits ur expecting frm the outcome of this project(apart frm name, bcause almost everyone wants this)?

Omee: oh lots of it! like I said earlier.. I dont know HOW!
I can already see money flying to me in increasing quantities from all parts of the world!!! Just as gift, or token of appreciation or simply a reward for my good work!

(Some blind girls are INSISTING me to put a price tag on the software and hardware.. infact they were even asking me to put it on training too! Thinking and looking around obviously proves that price tags make things easier.. but I personally dont like putting price tag on it! So I havent. I wont. )

Now, I dont know if I will make use of my fame for any commercial benefit... But even if I do.. well.. I dont think any one in their right frame of mind .. should mind it!

You know, its my dream to walk on the best ramps of the world.. and when some one invites me to do it.. I surely would do it ! and when they pay a hundred thousand dollars for a weeks work,I dont think I will refuse the money! ;)

I know I will be getting lots of gifts in various various forms from people for doing good work.

People have already started to invite me to their homes! People are also ready to sponsor my visit to their home places so that I can help blind people there! and well.. if you want to call these and such entities as 'personal benfits'!

Well yes I will be getting alot of them! Infact they have already started to come .. and boy I did not expect them to be coming to me so soon or increasingly more and more.. so fast! :) I am of course thankful for them all!

Most importantly... I believe my MOST IMPORTANT 'personal benefit' is the loving and kind treatment I get from every one who knows that I am toling to make a difference in peoples live. One can take away from me all the material things if one want.. I would not care! But no one can take away from me these intangeble things that are so splendid and make up for a wonderful life on Earth!

Renuka: I really support for u with one thing in mind:
"The dream of product should be a deliverable to blind people at rural masses with affortable cost[as u said, max 1000 Rs ] giving light to their darkenlife".Ofcourse, if it is really not possible, u can expect support from others.

Omee: oh its impossible do ANY thing alone! let alone any a lofty target!

All possible sources in all possible people can make all possible difference!

Renuka: Really sorry if the above questions hurted ur feelings.

Omee: naaaah! infact I had fun answering them!
:) hope u had fun too!
Let me know if u havent understood any part of it or are confused..